A downloadable game

The Game created by Unreal Editor for Fortnite system.

Creators: Ákos Halász, András Rónai, Dominik Nagy, Máté Moldován

Gameplay footage: 

Your GOD is hungry and you need to sacrifice a few of your buddies.
1) The god chooses randomly a player, the rest of the team will hunt the selected player.
2) If you kill the victim, take their soul to your god's statue for it to grow
3) 5 sacrifices will make the village win, but if one of the hunted player gets away for one minute then the hunted player wins
4) The hunters move fast and has a sword with a special dash. The hunted player jumps big (use elevation to get away) and has a rifle to fight from a distance.

Used modifier:  One vs Many

You can play if you use this Fortnite creative island code: 8985-0584-1749
(hit the magnifier icon in the menu and paste into the search field)

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